Josh's Spicy Rush - 90k Cayenne and B3 Niacinamide - Energy and Mucus
60 Capsules / 120 Capsules
Here are the FAQs on this product
What is it, and what's in it? This product combines the anti-mucus and antibacterial power of our 90k Cayenne Powder with a boost of energy from B3 Niacinamide.
What can I use it for? This product supports mucus, sinuses, allergies, gut congestion, acids in the body, colon purging, and, of course, energy; who could forget that?
How do I use it? I recommend starting with one capsule after breakfast for a couple of weeks before moving up to one after breakfast and lunch. Some people move up to two capsules for each meal; I will leave that up to you.
What can I expect when using this product? Most people report benefits from the support this gives in their sinuses and mucus, which helps with allergies. The big one every raves about is the "Pick me up" this gives them after their meals.
Are there any WARNINGS for this product? Don't be a hero, and don't take this on an empty stomach. We need food to help these things absorb.
How do I store this product? What is its shelf life? We keep this product in the cupboard with other products that don't need to be refrigerated. We recommend using it within 12 months of opening it.
- Lab Tested and Glyphosate Free 90k Cayenne Powder
- Lab Tested Vitamin B3 Niacinamide
- Lab Tested USP Grade Pork-Free Bovine Capsules (For Capsule Orders)
• The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated this statement. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease