Here are the FAQs on this product
What is it, what's in it? - This product is a combination of fermented bacteria that help to feed our gut while also clearing built-up proteins called endotoxins. These are called Pre and Pro-Biotics
What can I use it for? - Most people use these types of products in order to help support the gut's function before introducing food to it. Pre and Probiotics work well with our Digestive Enzymes to give the gut the support it needs when the gut is compromised or to keep it optimized when it's functioning well.
How do I use it? - We recommend taking one capsule first thing when you wake with 16 ounces of My Water and then 15 minutes later having our Adrenal Cocktail before eating.
What can I expect when using this product? Studies show that reducing endotoxins can support everything from systemic acne to autoimmune-type disorders. Most of the feedback we get here is from people seeing things like acne, gut function, bloating, indigestion, and things of that nature improving.
Are there any WARNINGS for this product? - We recommend sticking with 1-3 capsules a day, but most aren't taking over 2. We aren't aware of any warnings with this type of product.
How do I store this product? What is the shelf life of it? - We keep this product in the cupboard with other products that don't need refrigeration. We recommend using this product within 6 months of opening it.
- Pre-Biotic - fructooligosaccharide (FOS)
- Pro-Biotic - Bacillus coagulans
- Pro-Biotic - Bacillus subtilis
- Pro-Biotic - Bacillus clausii
- Lab Tested USP Grade Pork-Free Bovine Capsule
- Each Capsule Is Around 700mg
• The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated this statement. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease